crux of the matter

英 [krʌks ɒv ðə ˈmætə(r)] 美 [krʌks əv ðə ˈmætər]

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  1. He said the crux of the matter was economic policy.
  2. This is the crux of the matter.
  3. We're nearing the end of our journey through these files and have come to the crux of the matter.
  4. First, we need to climb the slope of denuclearization. The nuclear issue is the crux of the matter. Only with denuclearization can the Korean Peninsula enjoy genuine and lasting peace.
  5. Now we come to the crux of the matter.
  6. What then is the crux of the matter?
  7. In a large, hierarchical organisation, this is the real crux of the matter.
  8. Now we come to the crux of the matter, how much will it cost?
  9. The crux of the matter, the decisive factor, is whether the policy is correct.
  10. The crux of the matter in the machine tool numerical control system is the operating control of a stepping motor.
  11. China's economy to pay the high costs, corporate profits continued to decline, many industry malaise, policy effectiveness and the cost does not match the crux of the matter is this.
  12. Crux of the matter is he is still an appropriate time to obtain the appropriate medication.
  13. Economy development until now, crux of the matter is that how to scientifically, fairly, rationality, assign the cake of the results of the reform.
  14. The crux of the matter should proceed from the fundamental and thorough solution to pump in a sealed, overload and other problems, this is a more proactive approach.
  15. Example: When our outside consultants investigated our corporation's current difficulties, the crux of the matter appeared to be to the need for improved communications between departments.
  16. The crux of the matter is not shortage of time, but shortage of work.
  17. Therefore, the crux of the matter is that veterans should take the lead, really be selfless and keep the overall situation in mind.
  18. The crux of the matter is how to comprehensively treat this trend.
  19. Independence difficulty of independent director is a problem that always puzzles the development of public company in securities market, the crux of the matter lies in the deficiencies on system design and arrangement.
  20. Therefore, directors have functions both in technology and management, characteristics of directors such as, function of management, basic diathesis and art of leadership are crux of the matter.
  21. The reformation of new art curriculum is not only about teaching material, what is more important is to reform the teaching conception, It's the crux of the matter to the success or failure of the reformation.
  22. The problem of colour change of the spare surface, which is the crux of the matter, is solved.
  23. In women's development, the crux of the matter lies in gender equality.
  24. How to guard against those risks, and further perfect the country's government procurement system is the crux of the matter.
  25. The theorists before Marx expounded the connotation of the produced relations in different aspects, but they didn't master the crux of the matter, on the base of the former's ideological;
  26. However, he realizes from his studying that the crux of the matter is not political system, that social system.
  27. Pointing out that the course of the performance of their duties, problems, analysis of the crux of the matter for further pointed out the direction to improve.
  28. So the crux of the matter is not to deny it simply, but to gain more knowledge deeply.
  29. It is necessary to question the underlying causes of an in-depth analysis to identify the crux of the matter and propose solutions to the methods and strategies to promote the smooth development of housing reform.



  1. the most important point

      Synonym:    crux